Clogging Resources
Want to attend a clogging workshop? Need to find a cue sheet or buy new clogging shoes? Looking for a closer Virginia clogging team? All the links are here.
Virginia Clogging Teams
- Appalachian Aftershock, Blacksburg
- Appalachian Hoedowners, Crockett
- Blue Ridge Dance, Floyd
- Blue Ridge Mountain Cloggers, Christiansburg
- Blue Ridge Thunder Cloggers, Loundon County
- Bull Run Cloggers, Manassas
- Calico Cloggers, Northern VA
- Cardinal Cloggers, DC area
- Center Stage Cloggers, Wise
- Countryland Express Dance Team
- Elite Revolution Cloggers, Ruckersville
- Heart of Virginia Cloggers, Orange
- Hi-Horse Cloggers, Standardsville
- Hill City Cloggers, Lynchburg
- Kountry Kickers, Newport News
- Little Switzerland Cloggers, McDowell
- Mountain Heritage Cloggers, Crimora
- Old Dominion Cloggers, Arlington
- Patchwork Cloggers, Alexandria
- Peanut City Cloggers, Suffolk
- Radford University Clogging Team
- Rhythm Sensation Cloggers Hampton Roads
- Rhythmic Alliance, Crimora
- Skyline Country Cloggers, Charlottesville-Crozet
- Southwest Virginia Cloggers, Rural Retreat
- Sundance Express Cloggers, McDowell
- Swift Creek Cloggers, Chester
- Virginia Fancy Feet, Portsmouth
- Virginia Sugarcane Cloggers, Norton
- Xtreme Dance Company, Bristol
Cue Sheets
- Australian Clogging Association
- Andy Howard Clogging Videos
- Barry Welch cue sheets (California Ground Pounders)
- Christmas Cue Sheets
- Dare to Clog Cue Sheets
- European Clogging Association
- Irish/St. Patrick’s Day
- Jeff Driggs Cue Sheets
- Josh “ClogDog” King Cue Sheets
- Judy Waymouth Cue Sheets
- Kerri Orthner Cue Sheets Links
- Let’s Do Clogging
- Missy Shinoski
- Naomi Pyle Cue Sheets
- National Dance List
- New Zealand Clogging Association
- Ontario Rhythm Cloggers Cue Sheet Catalog (over 6000!)
- Sarah Dwight-Gilroy
- Scotty Biltz’s Clog’n Company
- Shane Gruber Cue Sheets
- Simone Pace
- Skyline Country Cloggers Cue Sheet Library
- Texas Dance List
Workshops in the Virginia Area
Clogging Organizations & Workshops
- America’s Clogging Hall of Fame
- Clog Champions of America
- Certified Clogging Instructor Program
- iClog
- National Clogging Organization
- Clogging Canada
- Appalachian Stomp (November)
- Arkansas Clogging Council
- Cabin Fever Workshop (February)
- Florida Clogging Workshops
- Fontana Clogging Jamboree (September)
- Hickory Hoedown (NC)
- Sautee Stomp (GA)
- Shenandoah Valley Connection (VA)
- Smoky Mountain Encore (March)
- Lake Cumberland Workshop (November)
- National Clogging Convention (November)
- North Carolina Workshops
- World of Clogging Workshop (May)
- Walt Disney World Clogging Spectacular (FL)
- More workshops on
Clogging Supplies & Resources
- AV Now (equipment)
- Carl’s Clogging Supplies (shoes, taps and supplies)
- CheerFactor (custom warm ups)
- (New & used shoes & supplies)
- Clog Today Newsletter
- Curly Laces (costume accessories)
- Double Toe Times Newsletter
- Jubilee Dance Floor (portable flooring)
- Perry’s Place (music, shoes & taps)
- Stevens Clogging Supplies
- Supreme Audio, Inc. (sound systems)
- Stage Depot (portable stages)
- SnapLock Dance Floors (portable flooring)
- Virginia Festivals and Events