While we do not require clogging shoes for beginner class, clogging taps help you hear your footwork and make it easier to learn.
For daily practice and to save wear & tear on your performance shoes, you can add taps to your favorite pair of sneakers.
Simply purchase a set of glue-on, Buck-style clogging taps, and adhere them to flat-soled tennis shoes, Zumba or dance shoes.

Glue-on taps are especially good on wooden floors because there are no nail holes to potentially scratch the floor surface.
When your shoes wear out, pry off the glue-on taps with a sturdy screwdriver. If they are not too worn down, apply them to a new pair of shoes.
Supplies Needed
- sneakers or smooth-soled shoes
- Glue-on Buck Clogging taps*
- pen, pencil or Sharpie
- Shoe Goo or other strong adhesive
- masking tape
- large rubber bands

Tap Placement
Toe Tap – Position the Buck tap so that the toe flange rests lightly against the toe-tip of the shoe.
Heel Tap – The heel tap should cover most of the shoe heel but not extend beyond the back edge. Most dancers prefer to set the heel tap in about 1/4 inch from the back edge of the shoe for safety.
*Buck Clogging taps can be purchased from Carl’s Clogging Supply or Steven’s Clogging Supply.
Taps are sized as: Large/Men’s, Medium/Ladies’ and Small/Children’s.
How to install the taps
- Position the taps (see above).
- Using a sharpie, draw an outline of the taps on the sole of the shoe.
- Place the round stickers that came with your taps over the back of the rivets. This keeps the glue from getting into the rivets and hindering tap action. If your glue-on taps didn’t come with stickers, you can use duct tape.
- Apply glue generously on the sole of the shoe inside the tap outline you drew when positioning taps. We recommend Clear Shoe Goo, but other adhesives may be used.
- Cover the back of the tap generously with Shoe Goo or other adhesive.
- Press the glued tap surface to the glued area on the sole of the shoe. (You are pressing two glue-covered surfaces together.)
- Use masking tape and/or thick rubber bands to hold the tap in position on the bottom of the shoe until the adhesive is set. Shoe Goo requires a full 48 hours (undisturbed) to set. Other adhesives may require different times.
TIP: Whatever glue you use, be sure to allow the full curing time UNDISTURBED. Glues will not hold properly if disturbed before the full setting time has elapsed. If sufficient glue is allowed to fully set, the hold should be so strong that the tap will only come off when forced with a stout screwdriver.