Clogging Song Videos
Use these videos to learn songs as danced by Skyline Country Cloggers. These videos assume you have been through our beginner clogging class and know the fundamental steps.
The Skyline Country Cloggers do not own the rights to these songs. These videos are strictly for team practice and educational purposes.
Dance Categories
Beginner Class
Latest Videos
Giddy Up
Giddy Up Teaching Videos
Choreography: Driggs & Summey
Music by Shania Twain
Level: Intermediate
Whole Lotta Little
Whole Lotta Little Teaching Videos
Choreography: Driggs & Summey
Music: Emily Ann Roberts
Level: Intermediate
That That
That That; Music: PSY & Sugar
Choreography: Sherry Cox, Gavin Cox, Abby Simpson
Level: Easy Intermediate
Twist & Shout
Practice a Pull and a Slur with this easy beginner clogging practice song to Twist & Shout by the Beatles.
Don’t Worry Be Happy
Practice a Touch, Brush and Heel Click with this easy beginner clogging practice song to Don’t Worry Be Happy.
Knee Deep
Practice a Drag and a Slide with this super easy beginner clogging practice song to Knee Deep.
Practice a Stomp and Stamp with this easy beginner clogging practice song to Respect by Aretha Franklin.
Beginner Step Practice
Practice a Basic, Triple, Fancy Double and Chain Rock with this easy beginner clogging practice song to Shout Mountain Mama.
You Can’t Take My Joy
You Can’t Take My Joy by The Isaacs
Choreography: Krisan Marotta, Skyline Country Cloggers with apologies to Naomi Pyle
Level: Intermediate