Clogging Song Videos
Use these videos to learn songs as danced by Skyline Country Cloggers. These videos assume you have been through our beginner clogging class and know the fundamental steps.
The Skyline Country Cloggers do not own the rights to these songs. These videos are strictly for team practice and educational purposes.
Dance Categories
Beginner Class
Latest Videos
Happy Dance
Happy Dance Teaching videos. Choreography by Sheryl Baker. Music by Mercy Me
Level: Intermediate
Y’All Come
Y’All Come. Music: Lisa McHugh
Choreography: Chip Summey.
Level: Beginner
Best Day Ever
Teaching videos for Best Day Ever
Music: Sly & Family Stallone; Choreography: Darolyn Pchajek, Dare to Clog.
Rum & Coca Cola
Music: Rum & Coca Cola
Artist: Tim Tim
Choregraphy: Barry Welch
National Dance List
Ballroom Blitz
Ballroom Blitz. Music by Sweet; Choreography by Josh King.
Level: Easy Intermediate
Wantin’ and Havin’ it All
Wantin’ and Havin’ it All
Artist: Sawyer Brown
Choreography: Scotty Bilz, Chip Summey, Becca White
Level: Advanced
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
Artist: Toontasitcs (Cartoons)
Choreography: Lois Bridges and Naomi Fleetwood-Pyle
Part of the National Dance List
Fiddler’s Despair
Fiddler’s Despair; Artitst: Natalie MacMaster & Donnel Leahy; Album: One; Choreography: Andy Howard, Level: Intermediate Plus (Fast)
Wren in the Furze
Wren in the Furze
Choreography: Becca White
Skyline Country Cloggers
Level – Advanced